SULLAIR LEADERSHIP Since 1965, Sullair has been recognized around the world as an innovator and a leader in rotary screw compression and vacuum technology. For more than 50 years, Sullair has designed and manufactured its own rotors and air end assemblies in Michigan City, Indiana. The award-winning rotary screw design sets the industry standards and delivers the quality and reliability one expects from a leader.

SULLAIR TECHNOLOGY Utilizing the most modern technologies, equipment and advanced manufacturing techniques, Sullair designs, manufactures, assembles, and tests the most innovative compressed air and vacuum products in the industry. Sullair products are known around the world for their universally applicable design, outstanding craftsmanship and superior quality

STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL The Sullair Statistical Process Control (SPC) system monitors rotor quality standards to assure consistent compressor and vacuum performance.

COMMITMENT TO INNOVATION Underlying leadership at Sullair is a dedication to excellence and a commitment to innovation. Sullair constantly explores new ideas and seeks new ways to meet the industry’s need for increasingly energy efficient compressed air and vacuum solutions.